Daily reading of the Bible in 365 days, the New Testament in 260 days and the Old Testament in 324 days. Everything on automatic!

Thus saith the LORD, The heaven is my throne, and the earth is my footstool: where is the house that ye build unto me? and where is the place of my rest? For all those things hath mine hand made, and all those things have been, saith the LORD: but to this man will I look, even to him that is poor and of a contrite spirit, and trembleth at my word. [Isaiah 66: 1-2]

Esther 10

King James Version

  • 1. And the king Ahasuerus laid a tribute upon the land, and upon the isles of the sea.
  • 2. And all the acts of his power and of his might, and the declaration of the greatness of Mordecai, whereunto the king advanced him, are they not written in the book of the chronicles of the kings of Media and Persia?
  • 3. For Mordecai the Jew was next unto king Ahasuerus, and great among the Jews, and accepted of the multitude of his brethren, seeking the wealth of his people, and speaking peace to all his seed.

King James Version

... Igreja Jesus Cristo Brazil, 2008 © 2025